How the Pearce Foundation adapts the GROW model with our Charity Partners

In our effort to support small, fledgling charities, we believe in adopting a coaching approach that empowers our charity partners to unlock their full potential. A part of this approach is the implementation of the GROW model—a useful tool that helps our Partners achieve their goals and drive positive change.

What is the GROW Model?

The GROW model is a widely recognised coaching framework that stands for Goal, Reality, Options, and Way Forward. It provides a structured pathway for effective coaching conversations, allowing us to guide our charity partners towards achieving their goals and overcoming challenges.


We will work alongside you to help identify a SMART goal.  


What have you done so far? What’s worked? What hasn’t? What obstacles stand in the way? What skills, support and resources do you need? What strengths do you have that can be drawn upon?  


An exploration of ideas. What options are available to you? What contacts or resources can the Pearce Foundation offer here?  


We will work together to help you to choose and commit to a series of actions. How would you like to be made accountable and by when? Who else needs to be involved? Can the Pearce Foundation offer or fund any resources.

A working example of this may be; 

GOAL: To develop a 3 year fundraising strategy by the end of the next quarter

REALITY: Where are you now? What is your overall organisational strategy? How would a fundraising strategy align with this? Whose involved in this?

OPTIONS: What could you do to move 1 step closer to achieving your goal? E.g. Attend a local training course,  attend an online training course, check out community organisations, enlist 1-2-1 bespoke support with a fundraiser, peer-to-peer working group, speak to other charities etc… How can the Pearce Foundation help support you? Pay for a course out of the allocated £2,000 grant? Introduce you to a contact? Organise a peer-to-peer working session? Etc…

WAY FORWARD: An action plan is then created within agreed timeframes. Money is allocated out of the £2,000 budget to help fund the actions. 

Over the course of time, check-ins are organised. How are getting on? What’s working well? What’s not? Has the bespoke support helped you achieve your goal? What have you learnt about this process? What next? 

This is a snapshot of the coaching approach we offer alongside the financial support in a yearlong commitment.


Know about our coaching approach


New year. New progress.