Our Impact Stories - Conversation with Charity Partners
The CAY College is an alternative education provision in Worthing. They are driven by the belief that education should be tailored to meet the needs of each individual and offer entrepreneurial opportunities and skill-based learning for young SEND learners.
Over the course of the year, we worked together to ensure they are prepared for their next stage of growth. This included providing support with fundraising, strategy, governance, comms, systems and equipment.
At our end of the partnership, we sat down with the Directors to reflect on the impact of the support, evaluate its effectiveness, and discuss areas for improvement.
How would you describe the Pearce Foundation?
Pearce Foundation are a thoughtful and supportive charity that take into consideration where you are in your journey and how the support will look for you to make progression.
We were so appreciative of the time and thought that was provided by Jane; it was very obvious that our support was genuine and unique to us.
What skills or knowledge have you gained from our support, and how have you applied them?
For us, it was taking the time to reflect on our practise and seeing it through external eyes. For example, the quote spreadsheet has been invaluable. We would have not been able to progress with the website without Rich’s input and gentle questioning.
Which aspects of our support did you find most valuable, and why?
This is a difficult question to respond to. All of the support was timely, progressive in linear with our needs and challenging without threat.
Our grants and wrap-around support aim to strengthen an organisation's foundations and build capacity. Do you think we achieved this? If so, how? Can you share an example?
Wendy and I are friends and we know each other very well. Our trust in one another is unshakeable. It was a fear for me in particular, that our college might thrive with the sacrifice of our friendship. The support that you gave us has allowed us to protect our personal friendship while exploring our differing ideas, knowing that it was for the progress of the college and it was “OK!”.
Would the financial award have been as impactful without the wrap-around support? Why?
The wrap around support was far more valuable and “thank you” seems so insignificant but it is heartfelt.
“To have external belief in our concept and dream meant the world to me and us.”